Author: araldekaw

Ever feel like your keen on contributing to the world of wrting but not sure exactly how to write about it? Let alone what “it” actually may be.

I’ve prepared the following ‘Key steps and Questions’ to help you get a clearer idea, as well as tips and tricks on how get started and sustain your writing practice:

  • 1- Motivation – Why write?
    It’s always important to know your end goal. Why write? Do you enjoy it? Are you using it to get somewhere or get something done? Do you want your writing to be a source of help for people? What value are you wishing to share?
  • 2- Self Awareness – Will writing come naturally to you? 
    What themes do you feel come naturally to you? Do you have knowledge in mind you are particularly passionate to share? Are you willing to do the sufficient work to get good writing and rich content out? Questions like these help because you want writing practice to be as easy and enjoyable as possible so you can sustain it for a longer time. Also, ‘life’s short’, it’s important to know ourselves well and do only what we enjoy or what really needs to be done…

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