The D-Lab: The View From the Sky to the View From the Ground

The D-Lab: The View From the Sky to the View From the Ground

Project type:  Voluntary Research and Design Collaboration at IE University
Supervisor: Romina Canna
Project Status: Completed and Compiled Spring 2013
Team: Lara Waked, Natalie Lagard, Deiene Gonzalez, Yixin Qi, Michelle Ying Yin Lai
Atlas Link:

Segovia is undergoing a process of decentralization. Our research compromised of a wide map out the cities urban condition. The maps are part of a series of researches done by IE University covering the case of Segovia, with the aim of investigating what can leveraged or act as addition to the city’s improvement. The research is approached in such a way as to identify measurable factors that are experienced from the the human scale (the ground) consequentially in the greater zoning and urban fabric conditions seen from above (the Sky).

Responsibilities included The collection of empirical data for urban analysis of the old City, recognizing its strengths in its commercial logistical and cultural front. Also, The documentation and Photography of the local life and community urban patterns. The design of an Atlas and non jargon-ful brochures for the local residents as well as tourists.

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